hellsing吧 关注:18,234贴子:227,156




IP属地:上海1楼2016-09-28 16:47回复

    IP属地:天津来自Android客户端2楼2016-09-28 18:07

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            IP属地:上海7楼2019-01-27 12:14

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                  IP属地:上海10楼2019-01-29 23:21

                    IP属地:上海11楼2019-02-04 11:47
                      Oh btw, Alucard loves men, mortal or not, he's fascinated by humanity in the Manga.
                      But watch up, some humans (and vampires etc) are dogs. Certainly not the Hellsings, Anderson (pre Nail) or the Queen. This doesn't mean he's altruistic, but he cares for what is "HIS".
                      He hates to lose and is broken inside for his losses. Fortunately, he "redeems" himself in an IC way (eliminating what CAUSED trouble his sucking life) and got his happy ending. How long will that last? Depends how long he and Integra get to live.
                      Eternity, immortality, what you call it, Alucard derides its existence and laughs to the fools who actually believe it. Everyone wakes up of their "dreams." One day.
                      Depends which Alucard. Anime Alucard was basically a childish person with a Peter Pan complex obsessed with Young!Integra (according to Gonzo, he turned Seras because she had Y!Integra's eyes. Ohh deeeeep) because she would make perfect playmate. He wanted to fight/hang out around challenges to fight boredom.
                      Real "deep". Still he was afraid to lose her. He's still way too childish. Peter Pan complex and all.
                      Now. Manga Alucard (OVA Alucard is less layered, IMO like all OVA versions but eventually I HOPE they get there) is a very hurt soul (still insane and ruthless but WAY more deep) with a self-hatred issue he tries to deny over again (but eventually comes to light). Someone who in life, he wanted nothing but serve God, he sacrificed everything in war for this goal and got killed. In bitterness, Vlad died and Dracula was born. Dracula wanted nothing but to claim Mina, now again, he went to the extreme of war (consumed by this curse in a way to fight endlessly) and ended up losing everything again. This was his "death". Dracula's domains, subjects, etc are DEAD. Ditto about Vlad's.
                      His life as Alucard began. Look what Arthur Hellsing has to say about Alucard (he told this to Integra and she remembers this while she watches him breaking down in tears, in front of his beloved enemy Anderson):
                      "Integra. There are many undying monsters in the world. Here's what I wonder when I see them. Do they really desire immorality as their existence? Many of them crave conflict. Gory struggles. It becomes something akin to weeping, longing. Their screams are not born of desire for combat...but a desire for death.
                      The vampire. Dracula, Nosferatu, No life King, The count. how many years has that man seen? how many thousands, tens of thousands have had their despair devoured by him? But he has nothing now. No castle, No dominion, No subjects, No lover's heart, not even his own. From conflict to conflict. A revenant who walks on and on and on, until anything and everything is gone and completely leveled.
                      You see, to me, Integra, vampires, those dreadful undying monsters who control the world of night....look like terribly pitiful, pathetic children who might simply break down and cry feebly."
                      Anyway, Alucard was (according to himself) dreaming and there's an enemy who puts an end to his world and dream. This makes him emotional unstable. He can't help BUT ignite war but he doesn't want to lose what he has, he's troubled but accursed. IMO, Integra's pretty much an embodiment of God-religious goal + Mina-romantic goal (his previous defeats) which makes their relationship v. interesting. When he returns to London in v7 ending, there's a text that compares the past and the present saying there was once a vampire who came to London to claim a woman he desires (not to mention Major, in v4, saying Alucard stayed for her). After leaving the ship, Alucard ignores the battle, his enemies attacking him to walk right to Integra, kneel down and call her Countess.
                      They keep getting split apart, and well, no point to go into details. Anyway, upon Alucard's apparent defeat, Major says this was a rehearsal of the play of 1898. Integra, like Mina in the flashback (among the enemies of him), is show as witness of the vampire's defeat.
                      The Manga ends similar to the TV series (except with INTEGRA asking if he had considered sucking her blood and she bitting herself, her RING finger , and offering it to her Count). We never get to see what happens next. It's up to our imaginations.
                      The whole evil POV who lives for war is a misconception Major also had. He would have really won if he had killed Integra and managed to destroy Hellsing, instead he let them live and that's what Alucard returns to at last. After 30 years fighting against millions of souls in "Romancia." He's very like Anderson and (in a way) Integra, extreme and ruthless to get their goals.
                      Contrasting with Pip and Seras compassion in their own battle.
                      Final note. He finally got what he wanted: his castle (Hellsing Org), servants/subjects (Pip and Seras), domains (England) and loved one (Integra) didn't get destroyed after the war.
                      Hence Hellsing ends. With his victory as a metaphorical man (no longer a fortress of lives cowardly supporting his own but returning with ONE life) after an existence of failure.
                      It's deeper than the Gonzo fail. Still Alucard's brutal, but he's like a knight killing his lady's enemies to win her favor as he once killed to get God's favor or killed to get Mina.
                      One-tracked-goal oriented person.

                      IP属地:上海12楼2019-02-06 21:52

                        IP属地:上海14楼2019-02-06 23:06

                          IP属地:上海15楼2019-02-10 14:22

                            IP属地:上海18楼2019-02-17 15:44

                              IP属地:上海19楼2019-02-17 17:35